How can you support us?

  • Pray

    A simple but powerful way to bless the work and growing family.

    Will you consider backing Gateway People in prayer?

  • Invite

    Unleash the power of an invite by inviting those that you think would benefit from connecting.

    Who could you contact to invite to a future event?

  • share

    If you have been encouraged and inspired in some way through the movement, why not 'gossip the good stuff' and tell others about your experience!? Social media is another.

  • sow

    Most of the events we run are free to attend. However, these events do cost to put on and host. We always like to bless the guest ministers and offer hospitality. Will you prayerfully consider supporting us financially?

To sow a financial seed into the ministry of Gateway People use the following bank details:

Sort Code: 30-96-26

Account Number: 73163068.

Or click on the following link for other ways to give:

However you feel led to support Gateway People, we want to say a heartfelt

"thank you!"